Mobile Detection and Redirection – Updated

A user of my Mobile Detection and Redirection script examples dropped by to comment and let me know that the scripts are working – but the mobile sites are not being indexed by google.  This is due to the fact that I neglected to include the Googlebot-Mobile User Agent in the function that detects mobile users and redirects them appropriately.  A quick change to the code and we’re all fixed up… thanks to John!


Here’s the updated downloadable code with examples.

[download id=”1″]

Puppet Module List Shows Funny Graphic Characters with PuTTY

Puppet is a configuration management tool that enables you to configure and maintain software and configurations across a wide variety of machines – rather than doing things manually.  Puppet enables you to package software and configurations into something called modules.  You can create these modules by hand or download some freely available modules from the repository available at

This post is just a quick note on how to fix a minor, annoying problem encountered when using puppet from the command line over a PuTTY session. The problem can be reproduced using the following command which lists the modules you’ve got installed in your puppet module repository.

[root@puppetmaster ~]# puppet module list
âââ camptocamp-tomcat (v0.0.1)
âââ puppet-wordpress (v0.0.2)
âââ puppetlabs-motd (v1.0.1)
âââ puppetlabs-pe_accounts (v1.0.2)
âââ puppetlabs-pe_compliance (v0.0.6)
âââ puppetlabs-pe_mcollective (v0.0.43)
âââ puppetlabs-stdlib (v2.3.1)

Notice the occurance of âââ . These characters are supposed to be translated by PuTTY into sweet looking line graphics. However, the default translation setting for your PuTTY Terminal session is set to Western European.

If we change this setting to UTF-8, we’ll see the characters get translated properly into the line graphics intended by puppet.

Hope this helps!